50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Neighbours ~

Board Liaison: Loretta Ycas

Introducing the Neighbours committee ...

Carole Beamish, Renata Dickman, Niloofer Irani, Linda Markovsky, Marsha Melnik, and Dean Tudor



Neighbours meets on a regular basis to discuss new initiatives they feel may benefit the residents.  Ongoing initiatives include: Afternoon Teas (pictures); Sunday Movie Night and New Residents Reception.

If anyone is interested in attending a Neighbours meeting, please leave your name at the Management Office and you will be contacted by a member of the committee.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes: 2022

March 28, 2022

April 22, 2022

May 25, 2022

Committee Minutes :2014


The legal type stuff on the committee can be accessed here.

Main Menu

Committee Menu